Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Specs or Management of Retail Buying

Specs: The Foodservice and Purchasing Specification Manual

Author: Lewis Reed

Specs: The Foodservice and Purchasing Specification Manual, Student Edition contains information on purchasing policies, foods, quality controls, and storage and handling procedures. It is designed as a reference manual for the standards by which food is measured, specified for purchase, and inspected upon delivery to assure that the foodservice operation is getting the value it is paying for.

Books about: Flying High or The Responsibility to Protect

Management of Retail Buying

Author: Chris Thomas

Retail buying covers broad areas such as organization of retail establishments, distribution, roles of buying groups, planning and control, choosing vendors, negotiation, pricing, and selling of goods and services to the consumer. This text offers detailed and up-to-date coverage of retail buying, promoting smart decision making in today's complex global marketplace.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1An overview of retail buying1
Ch. 2The roles of buying groups33
Ch. 3Understanding the consumer48
Ch. 4Merchandise assortments67
Ch. 5Planning and control94
Ch. 6Technology and Internet commerce in retalling116
Ch. 7Choosing vendors132
Ch. 8International vendors149
Ch. 9Translating plans into purchases165
Ch. 10Negotiating the buy184
Ch. 11The buyer's order and vendor relations205
Ch. 12Pricing and selling230

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