Friday, December 19, 2008

Delegating Powers or Escaping the Black Hole

Delegating Powers: A Transaction Cost Politics Approach to Policy Making under Separate Powers

Author: David Epstein

In this path-breaking book, David Epstein and Sharyn O'Halloran produce the first unified theory of policy making between the legislative and executive branches. Examining major US policy initiatives from 1947 to 1992, the authors describe the conditions under which the legislature narrowly constrains executive discretion, and when it delegates authority to the bureaucracy. In doing so, the authors synthesize diverse and competitive literatures, from transaction cost and principal-agent theory in economics, to information models developed in both economics and political science, to substantive and theoretical work on legislative organization and on bureaucratic discretion.

Table of Contents:

1. Paths of policy making;
2. Choosing how to decide;
3. Transaction cost politics;
4. The decision to delegate;
5. Data and postwar trends;
6. Delegation and congressional-executive relations;
7. Delegation and legislative organization;
8. Delegation and issue areas;
9. Conclusion; Afterword on comparative institutions.

Books about marketing: The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating or Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming

Escaping the Black Hole: Minimizing the Damage from the Marketing-Sales Disconnect

Author: Robert J J Schmonsees

A fourth of all B2B marketing and sales resources are wasted on misguided initiatives and activities. As much as 80 to 90 percent of the content produced by marketing is considered useless by salespeople. And only 29 percent of a B2B salesperson?s time is actually spent on selling. Companies who sell complex products and services struggle with the growth in the raw volume of content, the constant change, and the number of contributors. This often leads to significant duplication, inconsistent information, and a dilution of the message that complicates the sales process ? confusing prospects and sales reps alike. Written by sales and marketing expert Bob Schmonsees, this enlightening book aligns marketing and sales organizations, putting everyone companywide ? from the CEO to the assistant ? on the same page. The last decade saw an increasing misalignment between marketing and sales, as well as allowed inefficiencies to creep into the marketing and selling model. Schmonsees reveals the secrets to bridging the gap, cutting the clutter, and eliminating the waste.

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